Rapid Setting Screed

Rapid setting Screeds are generally used for fast track refurbishment projects where the floor needs to be open to foot traffic quickly.

These Screeds can be open to foot traffic up to 3 hours after installation, with the installation of floor coverings after 24 hours.
This is incredibly useful on floors in places such as hospitals where the floor cannot be out of bounds for long periods of time.
Rapid setting screeds are mixed on site as there is no retarder in them.

Rapid Dry Products

To cope with the demands of the industry, many projects require fast turnarounds that minimise downtime and disruption. If this sounds like the service you need then fast drying screed is ideal for you.

Rapid setting screeds are mixed on site as there is no retarder in them.

Rapid Dry products can be pumped if required and installed bonded, un-bonded, floating, and over under-floor heating systems.